lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Agia Napa ( Low Cost at all cost)

'Empty pub & full cemetery' (Agia Napa 2011)

After the 1974's occupation by the turkish forces, the Republic of Cyprus lost one of the main cities on the eastern coast: Famagusta. That's why Agia Napa, a close fisherman village with no more than 4 houses and a small church developed within 20 years into the huge and sometimes horrific destination that it is today. Hundred thousands of british and russian tourists arrive every summer to Agia Napa to practise the 'sun and fan' leisure by all means

Welcome to Low cost paradise at all cost...

'Lefkosia, la darrera capital dividida per un mur'

(The last wall-divided city worldwide)

Lefkosia wall I

Lefkosia (Xipre) ostenta el trist títol de ser la única capital del món encara dividida per un mur i una zona de seguretat. Al 1974 les tropes turques van ocupar la part nord de la ïlla, inclosa la meitat nord de la seva capital (Lefkosia per als xipriotes pro-grecs, Nicosia per als turcs)

Lefkosia wall II

Lefkosia wall III